In-vivo NMR course
Scope of the course
The aim of this course is to introduce PhD students, post-docs and other scientists in the principles of modern in vivo NMR imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) as applied to living systems in biomedical and biological research.
Registration costs are €350 for PhD students and post-docs, and €700 for medical physicists and other participants. Fees cover attendance to the lectures and practicals, as well as lunch and coffee/tea. Total number of participants is limited to 30. Registration:
Day 1: Monday October 9
09:30-10:30 | Welcome & Introduction | Rick Dijkhuizen |
to Translational MR Research | ||
10:30-12:30 | Short Presentations by Participants | |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:30 | Basic Principles of NMR (Part I) | Henk van As / Frank Vergeldt |
15:30-17:30 | Basic Principles of NMR (Part II) | Gustav Strijkers |
Day 2: Tuesday October 10
09:30-11:30 | Basic Principles of MRI | Rick Dijkhuizen |
11:30-12:30 | k-Space & Pulse Sequences | |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:00 | Basic Principles of NMR (Part I) | Henk van As / Frank Vergeldt |
15:00-17:30 | Basic Principles of NMR (Part II) | Gustav Strijkers |
18:30-21:00 | Basic Principles of NMR (Part II) | Gustav Strijkers |
Day 3: Wednesday October 11
09:30-10:30 | MR Contrast Mechanisms | Gustav Strijkers |
10:30-11:30 | Rapid MRI | Bram Coolen |
11:30-12:30 | 19FCellular MRI | Mangala Srinivas |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:00 | MR Hardware | Dennis Klomp |
15:00-17:30 | Practical: RF Coils | Dennis Klomp |
Day 4: Thursday October 12
09:30-11:00 | Diffusion MRI | Martijn Froeling |
11:00-12:30 | MRS Applications | Jeanine Prompers |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-14:30 | MRI/MRS in Neuromuscular Diseases | Hermien Kan |
14:30-15:30 | High-field MR | Andrew Webb |
15:30-16:30 | Perfusion MRI | Thijs van Osch |
16:30-17:30 | Quantitative MRI | Henk van As |
Day 5: Friday October 13
09:30-10:30 | TBD | |
10:30-12:30 | Functional MRI | Bas Neggers |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-14:30 | Vascular MRI | Aart Nederveen |
14:30-15:30 | Cardiac MR | Gustav Strijkers |
15:30-17:00 | DTI of the Brain | Alexander Leemans |
17:00-17:30 | Evaluation & Adjourn | |
17:30-18:30 | Social event (Drinks) |
Center for Image Sciences
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands\
Rick M. Dijkhuizen, PhD
Center for Image Sciences
University Medical Center Utrecht