NMARRS mini-symposium
On Monday October 9th we will organize a minisyposium on nuclear hyperpolarization in the solution state. Everyone with an interest in NMR methodology is welcome to attend. We would particularly like to encourage all members of uNMR-NL/NMARRS consortium to join. We will have two speakers who will discuss progress in the field and the latest research results. We hope to have lively discussions at the end of the lecture particularly involving PhD students and postdocs.
The symposium will start at 14.00 at the Faculty of Science, Huygensbuilding, Heyendaalseweg 135 Nijmegen, room Hg00.023.
14.00 - 14.30
Marco Tessari (Solid-state NMR RU)
NMR analysis of complex mixtures using para-hydrogen induced polarisation
14.40 - 14.50
Questions / Discussion
14.50 - 15.20
Coffee / Tea
15.20 - 16.00
James Kempf (Bruker Biospin, Billerica, USA)
Hyperpolarization for the Solution State using d-DNP & Brute-Force
16.00 - 16.10
Questions / Discussion
Drinks & Nuts (in front of the NMR department HG03.03)
Please send an e-mail to m.dewith@science.ru.nl if you would like to attend this symposium.