Opening uNMR-NL
To celebrate the installation of the 950 MHz spectrometer, the uNMR-NL facility was officially opened by the Dutch State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker. The opening was organized in the new Koningsberger building at the Utrecht Science Park and great speeches were given by Prof. Marc Baldus (coordinator uNMR-NL), Sander Dekker (State Secretary), Marjan Oudeman (President of the Executive Board of Utrecht University) and Tanja Kulkens (Deputy Director NWO Chemical Sciences), chaired by Oscar van den Brink (COAST).
After the official opening, a mini-symposium was organized chaired by Ernst van Eck (Radboud University), featuring lectures by uNMR-NL members.
Hugo van Ingen - Casting Shadows of Chromatin
Aldrik Velders - Mega-magnets and micro-antennas for nano-NMR
Jeanine Prompers - In vivo metabolic imaging in obesity-related disease using magnetic resonance
Markus Weingarth - Supramolecular Organization of Biomolecules